I wanted to load configuration data in a Go application, using something equivalent to Java’s property files. After a little bit of googling, I came across this StackOverflow’s answer, which suggests using TOML for managing configuration.
Using BurntSushi’s example for his parser, I created a simple Go program to parse a couple of properties —which is exactly was I was looking for.
Here is a working example

Inside TOML file

Auth0Domain = "YOUR-AUTH0-DOMAIN"

And the Go program to parse it

package main

import (

type Auth0Config struct {
  ClientSecret string
  ApiAudience string
  Auth0Domain string

func main() {
  var conf Auth0Config
  if _, err := toml.DecodeFile("auth0.toml", &conf); err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("ClientSecret: %s\n", conf.ClientSecret)
  fmt.Printf("ApiAudience: %s\n", conf.ApiAudience)
  fmt.Printf("Auth0Domain: %s\n", conf.Auth0Domain)

Hope this is useful!